Note the following:
( 1 ) Aluminum rolling pass reduction rate is generally about 50%, the thickness of the finished box timber 0.03mm and below , finished rolling passes generally use doublet rolling . Finished thickness of 0.01mm and below the doublet pass before rolling and trimming ; greater than 0.01mm. Less than 0.03 mm in the last one secondary trimming ; greater than 0.03mm is not cutting, trimming per edge trimming of not more than 15mm.
( 2 ) the production of wide width should follow the first roll , the latter principle of rolling narrow , edge or surface gloss aluminum inconsistent.
( 3 ) each rolling pass on the roll surface have different requirements . Incoming thick rough rolling , to a large reduction , rolling oil with some people want to be more . Oil temperature should be lower, you can take a lot of heat emitted during rolling . In order to bring more people rolling oil , roll some of the rough surface will worn ; when the roll roll roll slightly smaller than crude ; finishing some finer roller surface to get a better surface finished Al Foil.
( 4 ) a thin film finishing rolling . In order to obtain a thin film , mainly to improve the rolling oil . General roughing oil temperature 20-40 ℃, finishing oil ju 40-60 ℃. Improved oil , can film thinning , can improve the surface quality of aluminum foil .